
Showing posts from October, 2017

Things I take for granted

Happy Sunday!!! As most of you know I have been subbing to fill my time while I wait for the teacher to have a baby so I can start being a long term sub. Last week I subbed at an Early Childhood Center for students with special needs. It was only supposed to be a half day job. Then they asked me if I could stay around for the afternoon since they were short staff. I worked into two different classrooms. In both classrooms, there were 4-5 students. The morning was tough because the students needed a lot of care. It wasn't your typical preschool classroom. The students didn't have structure instead had a lot of free play time. I can't even think of how to describe it but long and an emotional day As I drove home that day I started reflecting on why I was so emotionally exhausted. God opened my eyes that it was tough to see the kids not be able to do "normal" school stuff. Most of the kids can't really talk so its a lot of songs and movement. The sadness led...


6  So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,  continue to live your lives in him,   7  rooted  and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught,  and overflowing with thankfulness.  Colossians 2:6-7 Lately as in the last two weeks, I have been learning a lot about being rooted in Christ. I am in two small groups and serve with my church's youth group. In all three groups we are studying Ephesians and God is just blowing my min revealing two overall themes to me: Being Chosen and Rooted. One of my Bible Studies is called Rooted which is cool. First we are chosen by God, the Creator of the Universe, that should blow your mind ! That makes me feel overwhelmed by His love Second I can't do anything apart from Christ and that is ok. I am trying to break the habit of reading my Bible in the morning and then never acknowledging God throughout my day. Even though I know internally that he cares about EVERY detail of my life. I...

Flannels, fire, and PSL

There is so much sadness and injustice going on in the world that I just want write a post about things that I like about Fall. 1. The pumpkin chai latte at Caribou 2. Flannels and leggings 3. Windows open 4. Apple orchards so I can eat kettle corn 5. Boot weather 6. The different colors on the leaves 7. Net Gen at church starting 8. MEA break 9. New episodes of all the TV shows I watch haha 10. Football season