The other day I went out to dinner with two friends that I had known for almost 10 years. We only see each other once a month and sometimes once every two months. One is engaged and thee other friend is a teacher and single like me. I have actually known this friend since kindergarten. Do you know when you are in a difficult season and sometimes its hard to share when people everything that is going on in your life? Sometimes I only want to share one thing and keep the rest a secret so they don't have to feel bad if they are going through a good season or a season of joy.But since I have known these friends a long time and haven't seen them in a while I thought I would be honest with them and share what's on my heart You except them to be supportive and sympathetic to the situation. Then when they don't react the way you want them to do, its hard to stay focused the rest of the time you are with them. I walked away hurt from the situation. I felt like we had grown ...