
Showing posts from June, 2017

fabulous Friday

I thought I would write a post about things that I am thankful for because who doesn't love focusing on the blessings that God has provided! 1. Tomorrow is Saturday!!! My favorite day of the week! 2. I get to enjoy a bonfire with my parents tonight. 3. I get to sleep with the air condition on. 4. I am going to get brunch with my best friend tomorrow 5. I have a teaching job. 6. God shows me unconditional and steadfast love every day. 7. I get to run outside now that the weather is nice. 8. I joined a small group through my church 9. I moved into my new renovated apartment in a week. 10. My sister is finally home from Colorado!

Moving Mountains

You're moving mountains that I don't even see You've answered my prayer before I even speak All You need for me to be is still- Still by Hillary Scott " If you could describe what season spiritually you are in, what word would you use?" I love  asking this questions to my friends and family because everyone has a different answer. But along the way I think I have forgotten that I am transitioning out of one season and into another.  My word before was trust. I was trusting God to provide a new job for me, a 2 bedroom apartment, and a new relationship. I was experiencing so much growth in my relationship with others and with God. Then God provided a pre-k job for me at a new preschool right by my parent's house, and then a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment for me and my roommate and later on a new relationship. I was truly in a mountain top season. I could see all my blessings so easily.   Now I am in  a season of faith. There are days I would say ...