Moving Mountains

You're moving mountains that I don't even see
You've answered my prayer before I even speak
All You need for me to be is still- Still by Hillary Scott

" If you could describe what season spiritually you are in, what word would you use?" I love  asking this questions to my friends and family because everyone has a different answer. But along the way I think I have forgotten that I am transitioning out of one season and into another. 

My word before was trust. I was trusting God to provide a new job for me, a 2 bedroom apartment, and a new relationship. I was experiencing so much growth in my relationship with others and with God. Then God provided a pre-k job for me at a new preschool right by my parent's house, and then a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment for me and my roommate and later on a new relationship. I was truly in a mountain top season. I could see all my blessings so easily. 

 Now I am in  a season of faith. There are days I would say that I am in a valley. My job has gotten a lot harder than I expected, and I am no longer in that relationship. I also lack community with people my own age. So all that to say I am not trying to complain and say that my life is hard because I definitely see many blessings and am so thankful for the grace that I find in Jesus daily. 
The reason I am in a season of faith and also why I posted those song lyrics is because I see how God was in control when I was on top of a mountain and how he is in control of the mountain in my way. 

I think its so easy to forget that God wants to carry our struggles, hear our requests and praises daily. I see how I get into the habit of not praying for faith to move mountains everyday. I have seen him move mountains before, what's stopping me for asking him to do it again and again, every day. 

So I sit here and hope to encourage you as I receive encouragement from His Word to ask the all powerful God to move the mountains in your way and believe He will. 

 Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done.


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