
I know it has been a long time since I have written but like i have been saying in my last few posts, college has kept me busy and since I don't have homework tonight, I can come back and blog a little. I will just kinda update you whats going on in my life.

Well lets see the semester is coming to an end wohoo!!! just one more week left and then next semester I won't have any more 8 o clock classes which will be SUPER nice.

I am still trying to figure out if I am going to continue going to crown next year. I won't bore you with the details but I am possibly considering other schools so we will see.

The title of the post just describes the story of my life haha, I have so many decisions to make like what classes to take next semester, what to do over christmas break (i got the opperutunity to go to IHOP (international house of prayer, a conference in Kansas city, Kansas) or stay home and go on a mini vacay with my family.) where to go to sc
hool next year and who to be friends with.

In other news I am going through this book called A Praying life by Paul Miller and its really good, I suggest you read it.

Its all about learning how to pray and right away its starts
to talk about how we need to learn how to pray like a child. Meaning wen we come before God, we should not try to be so perfect and come with our mistakes,imperfections, needs and praise and just talk to God. Also it talks about its ok to just bounce from one subject to another, consistency is key. God is always there for us and we can constantly be talking to Him. We should always be in the state of prayer. The part I am at now is about not being a cynic toward prayer. so many times when God answers a request we say" its was going to happen anyways" Or we become a cynic when we are in valleys and choose not to cling to the "Good Shepard" And that part was something that really got to me because right now as I struggle to make decisions, and sometimes feel like I am in a valley i need to cling to God and talk to Him about and let him to lead me . Bc God truly wants the best for me.
Ok I will stop rambling have a good monday.


  1. Alyssa, I can totally relate to hard decisions! ...the future seems so unknown sometimes, but God Knows!

    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths."

    you should keep blogging cute girl! :)

  2. Alyss! I'm with Laur. It can seem soooo foggy but I just remember that God's ways are HIGHER than ours. Isaiah 55! Check it out! Love to you!

  3. Hey Beautiful! We should have a date, i would love to hear about all your reasons you may be changing college and everything your learning. How great you are reading and learning about prayer--there is nothing more important!!! I agree with being in constant prayer, when I was your age I read a book called practicing the presence--it is about a guy who practiced acknowledging God through his day by like setting a timer of sorts. He did this until it became habit. God is with us always, our life lived following him is one big prayer!!

    A verse that has helped me lately is Isaiah 26:3 "He will keep in perfect peace those whose mind is stayed on him, those who trust him" that is a paraphrase.

    Keep your mind on Jesus and you will have peace and purpose and a clear path!!

    love you MUCH!


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