faith over fear

Complete a half marathon for World Vision (X)

I can check this goal off my bucket list.  Today I ran in the MN half marathon with Kassie and Peter. I never thought I would complete/run in a half marathon. I always thought running over 30 minutes was boring. I have this fear that I would get sick or hurt if I ran 13.1 miles. 

Then I saw how Kassie was training for the half and full year after year. I knew I had to at least try to run a half marathon. So I started training in April and ran up to 10 miles. 
Then a week before the half, I started waking up at 3 AM, sweaty and having mini panic attacks as I thought about the race. You can say Satan was trying to get me to back out of it. I was more determined than ever to run it. 

Flash forward to today, I started claiming God's promises as I ran, such as " The joy of the Lord is my strength, In Christ I can do all things who strengthens me, and I look up to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth." We ran to mile 11, then I got sick and felt like I was going to throw up. My back started causing me a lot of pain and my legs felt like spaghetti
Once we got to mile 12 we ran the rest of the way. It was a great accomplishment! It also helped that my parents and Peter were at the finish line. 
Then I treated myself to a Starbucks and Panera :)
The only reason I ran was because I wanted to raise money for World Vision so they could provide clean water for kids in Africa. 

I reached my goal of $400 and God provided $450! 

All this to say that trust that your faith in God will be bigger than any fear that comes your way. If God calls you to do something, he will bring you through it. 


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