American Idol

And the winner is....

Lee Dewayze
So as you can tell I am a big fanatic of American Idol and the finale was on last night. And Lee won which I am really happy about.One of the reason I liked him was that I felt he was very humble throughout the whole experience. He wanted to win and he knew he was good, but he didn't brag about it. So enough about American Idol I just wanted to say I was happy that he won.
So for my Chicago missions trip that I am going on in a couple of weeks, we are going through this bible study called a love worth giving by Max Lucado and I did chapter 8 yesterday and it was really convicting. It was about anger and how anger comes from rejection. I never thought about that before but then he gave the example of Cain and Abel in Genesis and how Cain's offering was rejected by God and how that made Cain angry .. angry enough to kill. But the thing I have to remember is that being angry isn't a sin, God created that emotion its when we let Anger control us, that's when it becomes a sin. The cure to anger is acceptance, acceptance by God. we have to remember that we are accepted by God because of what Jesus did on the cross,, so when people reject us, it will be hard but we need to let it go. And he ends the chapter by telling the story of a flower and how if we wear a flower everyday , people are going to reject us and hurt us and when that happens its like a petal following off that flower but everyday God gives us a new flower, a new start everyday.

Thought of the day: Start out everyday with a new flower and at the end of the day give your petals ( hurt and rejection) to God.
I hope everyone has a good Thursday, just remember tomorrow is Friday!!


  1. I am not the BIGGEST fan of A.I.! Especially this season... I don't know why! I LOVE MUSIC & I love to sing!!!


  2. Hey Alyssa,
    Thanks so much for sharing what you have been learning. So good. Just a thought too, if we all have flowers and our petals are falling off by rejection, how much more can we make someones day with word of encouragement? =)

    ps i am SO glad lee won too!!


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