Wonderful Weekend

let me just start out saying this weekend was so much fun. Friday and Saturday I was at Let's talk about it, the conference that I talked about on Friday. I had a blast at the conference and I LEARNED soooo much. It was cool because two other churches showed up. It was at my church Edinbrook and then Grace and Redeemer came.

We also had a worship band called 513Free and i had never heard of the before but really liked them. They were from Eau claire, Wisconsin

Friday night was all about the Pursuit, how God pursues us and I really liked to hear that because I never heard that. And then that night I slept over at this girl's house, one of my best friends Kassie :)

Then Saturday morning we came back and before the session got started, I hung out with these cool people, Sherrill with olivia, Sam and christie and Evan.

I can't forget these people , Evan Kassie, tyler and Jenny

Then in the morning we learned about the action, How God pursues us. And the big thing i got out of this session was that if my realationship with God is inline, them y relationship with other people will be good and I also need to be firm in the bible otherwise I will be tossed back and forth by the world and what its teaches.
I need to make a sidenote and talk about Matt saldana, becasue I told him I would, so he is this cool guy that was at the conference and is the head of the prayer team at church that I am part of too. But its really cool how God has worked in his life because I remember 2 years ago, he didn't even know God and hardly came to church, it was at Rock the River in August that he became a Christian. And here he is with a mask on

Anyways back to Saturday, so then after lunch we got to go to 2 seminars and I went to one called " How does God fit in": and thats where I learned I need to be intentional about spending time with God. that was led by Laura thurston, Alex hayes, and Tyler Roland. The 2nd one I went to was one on drama led by a girl named Kelsey. The main point of her talk was we have the power to make or break drama so now instead of having a drama filled life I am going to try to break it before it starts or remove myself from situations where gossiping could come in. After the seminars we recovened and learned about the reponse and we were challenged to think about we were going to respond to God's pursuit. Like I said above I am going to make the effort to spend time with God everyday. So all in all it was a GREAT conference led by Steph and Chris Page, and Ria and Josh thurston. i appreciate all the time they put into it.

Later... Saturday night I babysat these cute kids, Zoe (6) and Zach (2). We had lots of fun playing hide and seek and going for a walk.

Then Sunday I ended the weekend by going my sister's basketball game and eating lunch at my aunt's house before my cousin headed home for winona and my other cousin ben suprised us by bringing over his son colton.

So that was my fun weekend, hope you guys enjoyed yours.


  1. GREAT weekend recap, you bless me Alyssa!! Thanks for being there, and for blogging about it! LOVES!!

  2. Ur welcome. Thanks so much for putting it all together Steph :)


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