
Showing posts from March, 2018

40 day prayer challenge

40 days is significant a number in the Bible - Noah was in the ark for 40 days - Moses and Israelite's wandered in the desert for 40 days - Jesus was tempted in the wilderness for 40 days  There were probably other times God used the number 40 but these were the ones that came to front of my mind.  So my friend Kassie asked me if I wanted to choose a desire and pray about it together for 40 days. We are both wanting to be in a relationship with our future husbands so we decided to pray about it on the phone or in person for 40 days. 1. That God would give us patience to wait for him 2. We would would surrender the desire and control to God 3. Use our single season wisely Our 40 days ends on March 30 which is coming up in 8 days. Three things I have learned through this experience: 1.  There is a reason God calls us to pray without ceasing. We remain connected to the Father the more times we talk to Him 2. It is life giving and sometimes easier praying f...

International Women's Day

I was scrolling through social media and I saw that its international women's day. I usually don't pay attention to the special days beside holidays but I am thankful for my girlfriends and want to post some photos of our fun times. Shout out to the women  in my life because they are confident, beautiful, brave and courageous. They serve Jesus where ever they go!!


Ecuador: a country in South America, bordered by Colombia to the North, Peru to the east and south, and Pacific ocean to the west. This girl was just asked to go on a teacher trip to Ecuador. This trip has God's hand all over it and soon you will see why. So back in December my mentor that I meet with every month said I should go on a trip with International School Project. Its an organization of men and women that go to different countries around the world and put on conferences to help train teachers using specific curriculums. At the time I was starting to see someone and didn't know where we would be during the summer. So I stored what she said in the back of my mind. Then throughout the next few months, she got me in touch with her friend that is on staff with the organization. Her friend and I would talk on the phone once every couple of weeks. Then at the beginning of  Februaary, the guy I was seeing called things off and oddly enough I knew that this was God'...