
Ecuador: a country in South America, bordered by Colombia to the North, Peru to the east and south, and Pacific ocean to the west.

This girl was just asked to go on a teacher trip to Ecuador. This trip has God's hand all over it and soon you will see why.

So back in December my mentor that I meet with every month said I should go on a trip with International School Project. Its an organization of men and women that go to different countries around the world and put on conferences to help train teachers using specific curriculums.

At the time I was starting to see someone and didn't know where we would be during the summer. So I stored what she said in the back of my mind. Then throughout the next few months, she got me in touch with her friend that is on staff with the organization. Her friend and I would talk on the phone once every couple of weeks. Then at the beginning of  Februaary, the guy I was seeing called things off and oddly enough I knew that this was God's sign for me to apply to go on a trip with ISP.

Flash forward to March, and this trip has become a reality. The team is already full and I get a chance to go to Ecuador. I have missed using my Spanish and can't wait to meet other teachers.

This is where I ask for your support. I am praying for ministry partners to come alongside me and my team as I raise support for the trip. My goal is 3290 and I need it by June 10.

I know that God will provide people to support me financially and through prayer. Prayer is the most important thing. I will be posting specific prayer requests as it gets closer to the trip.

If you feel led to give, you can email me directly by clicking the tab on the right corner of the post and I can email you the details.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post.


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