Its been a couple of weeks since I blogged, sorry about that. But today I just wanted do a mini reflection of 2009 and then my hopes of 2010 and also share a few pictures from my last week of 2009.
So this past year has been a rollercoaster for me. I have a loot of good memories but I also have some sad memories too. But God never said life would be easy and like this Bible study I'm doing says in order for us to thankful for the good days we have to experience the bad days. Through the bad days we learn to depend on God more. Anyways my family and i went out to Chilies on New Years Eve and while waiting for our food we went around the table and said a couple things that we liked in 2009. So i said my favorite thing I did was go to Wisconsin dells with my family. Even though it was only a 24 hour trip I really grew close to my family during that trip and had so much fun. And I hope one day to take my family there because it was a really great bonding time.

So this past week my family went to ND t
o see all of my dad's family. We left Sunday and came back Tuesday. It was the perfect amount of time and it was fun to see my cousins. And something my cousins like to do is put on shows. My sisters both have a cousin that is around there age and they find a similar shirt so they can be twins and then do a performance later on that night. The performances are hilarious and i taped them so u can check them out on my facebook.

And then today i met with old bible study group to catch up and one thing we did was say a hope we have for 2010 and mine was to meet new people when i go off to college and to become a more loving person. With that comes a verse :
The second command is this: love your neighbor as you love yourself. There are no commands greater than these.
Mark 12:31

What did you do to ring in the new year? Or what was your favorite thing about 2009?


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