New Memories

Happy New Year. I hope you guys are enjoying your holiday. I sure am enjoying my break. The only bad thing is I got hit with a bad cold today. Sore throat, runny nose and a cough. not fun at all but I am going recap my break in photos.

Happy 2011!!!
Kassie and I ringing in 2011.

Kassie with my dog Sassy.

Me with my dog. My sis had a party with a lot of people so we hung with my dog to calm her down.
Now here are my favorite photos from the year.
Jan: I went to Trout Lake Camp for a retreat with my church where i fell off the top bunk and cracked my eye open.
sorry i don't have any photos from Feb.
March: I turned 18!!! I became legal and my mom let me have 2 friends stay with me at the Waterpark of America hotel across from MOA.

Scratch tickets
April: Easter!!

May: There were graduation parties and my cousin turned 2.

June: I graduated and went to Chicago with my church.

July: Maple grove has MG days and I went to the art fair with my friend Kayla.

August: Enjoying the last days of summer and moving in to school

Sorry nothing really happened in September.
October: Halloween, my friend Kassie and i went as ketchup and mustard. and she had her senior pics done by Ria and I got to tag along.

November: I dyed my hair and had thanksgiving at my house

December: Crown had a Christmas Banquet which i went to and it was also CHRISTmas at the end of the month

Our almost christmas picture.
Enjoy 1/01/11
thanks for reading


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