
The weekend is over but I am not too sad about it because this is my last week before spring break.
Over the weekend, I did some fun things.
Friday: i hung out with my best friend Kassie because she left for Europe on Saturday. She is going with her band and will be gone for a week

Saturday: I had lunch with my friend Becka and then I bought 2 new pairs of shoes at Payless because they were having their BOGO, Buy one get one half off, something you might not know about me is that I LOVE shoes!! And I haven't bought new shoes for a long time and they were just so cute. Are there any other shoeaholics out there? I am def one :)
This is knda what my flats looks like and they were only 5 dollars!! And then I also got these black shoes, they are kinda like TOMS except they come from the brand Airwalker.
Then also on Saturday I went to my aunts house to celebrate my cousins and uncles birthdays.

Sunday: I did homework all day pretty much
I also watched this movie with my sisters
It was a super cute dog movie. I reccomend it .


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