Something we all need

sorry I haven't written lately, I never know what to write but what I am about to talk about has been a common theme that has been popping up in my life.
Compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm

God shows us mercy by not punishing us when we deserve to be punished because everyone sins everyday. He forgives us everyday, every time we sin.

Something you need to know about me is that I think A lot, especially at night when I am trying to fall asleep but for some reason that's usually when I realize something. Its like when I am trying to fall asleep, the lightbulb in my head turns on :)

What I have been thinking about lately is that I mess up A LOT, yet every time I run to God he is going to forgive me and by doing that he shows mercy to me.

So.... the past month or so I have been hurt by people in my life and I will admit it, I do not want to forgive them, because they have said some hurtful things to me but thats when I realized that who I am to say that I won't forgive him? I have no right to do that because I have done FAR WORSE things to God yet he forgives me so God has shown me that I need to show them mercy by not holding to what they have said, and just forgive them. Its not an easy task but when have I ever been able to do things on my own strength? I need to ask God for strength and help to forgive them and move on.
The song below called Hold Me Together by Royal Tailor has been played a lot on KTIS and its so true,

Hello Mercy,
I have been searching for you lately
I've been wounded and from what I hear
You have remedy

They told me You would be for me
So now I need to know
Is this a love that can save me

Without You,
I am falling apart



  1. Very insightful, Alyssa. Keep up the good work.

  2. Very beautiful and very true post. hard but good lessons to learn. Way to be humble and dependent on Jesus, he is making you more like him every day. ;)


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