Walking in the Desert

Long time no talk readers but I am back :)

So I don't know about you but do you ever feel like in your relationship with God, you are walking in the desert?

Because the last couple of months , that has been me !!! During the school year I was used to having my quiet time with God in the afternoon after my classes got done and then every M,W, and Friday I would go to chapel and be around other Christians just worshiping God.
But now its the summer and I have two jobs and I basically put God on the back burner. He was an after thought. And like Francis Chan says in Crazy Love, I was giving him my leftovers. But anyways after reading many blog posts and encouraging facebook status updates, God showed me that He was there the whole time with open arms just waiting for me to come back to him. And I just learned that I really want to spend time with God I need to be intentional about it and
I may need to get up a little bit early every day to spend time with the One who made me . Below is the song that I listened too over and over again.

And 1 more honest thing, I think the reason I didn't spend time with Him, was because I kinda mad that God was not answering my prayers but Ria over at life as a wife shared this awesome quote from a pastor at a church in NC.

""Sometimes God will prevent us from a certain goal at a time that does not coincide with His will. It’s not that we’re not doing what’s right. It’s just that we’re not doing it with the right timing.
He’s not saying not ever. He’s just saying not now."

Ok so Happy friday and here is the song

Desert Song by Hillsong


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