I know it has been a long time since I have written but like i have been saying in my last few posts, college has kept me busy and since I don't have homework tonight, I can come back and blog a little. I will just kinda update you whats going on in my life. Well lets see the semester is coming to an end wohoo!!! just one more week left and then next semester I won't have any more 8 o clock classes which will be SUPER nice. I am still trying to figure out if I am going to continue going to crown next year. I won't bore you with the details but I am possibly considering other schools so we will see. The title of the post just describes the story of my life haha, I have so many decisions to make like what classes to take next semester, what to do over christmas break (i got the opperutunity to go to IHOP (international house of prayer, a conference in Kansas city, Kansas) or stay home and go on a mini vacay with my family.) where to go to sc hool next year and who to be frie...
I know I have been in and out in blog world but I have been really busy here at college and I am loving it. But I also have been learning alot and growing in my relationship with God. But its hasn't always been happy joyful times in my walk with God. God has put this story on my heart to share with you guys. So i am going to and sorry there won't be many pictures. Ok so as you know college is EXPENSIVE, especially a private Christian college. Anyways, I did recieve some scholarships and feel very blessed that I did but the plan was I would get an on campus job to cover the other expenses that the scholarships didn't, like room and board. So in the beginning of the year there were all these job openings, and i applied to many of them such as working in the student billing office, finacial aid office,newspaper etc But I didn't get any interviews and they became filled. So during the week the interviews for the finacial aid office was going on, I knew a girl that got an in...
Every Monday and Wednesday I have a step aerobics class at North Hennepin. Its actually a lot of fun. But yesterday as i was doing the steps, I felt like in a way I can compare step to my walk with God. When I was doing step I felt like I was just going through the motions. Step up with right foot, step down with left.. and so on. Sometime my walk with God can feel like that. get up , go to school, come home, go to work, do homework, then quiet time with God, then get up the next day and do the same thing all over again. I felt like i was just going through the motions. Then I remembered that song by Matthew West " Going through the motions" Cause just okay is not enough Help me fight through the nothingness of life I don't wanna go through the motions I don't wanna go one more day without Your all consuming passion inside of me God just reminded it doesn't have to be like that. Throughout the day we should always be thinking about him. Then my quiet time shoul...
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