The Unknown

Questions linger without answers. People ask me " When do I start? What will I be doing? What are my hours? What location?  What is your salary?" 
To be honest I ask myself those questions and strongly desire answers. 

The answer is " I don't know. Only God knows."

Trust is a lesson that can be learned over and over again when you think you are fully trusting. 

I have a type A personality and need to know all the answers so I can adjust my schedule accordingly. 

This past week I accepted two jobs: a part time barista job at Caribou Coffee ( my favorite place) and a long term sub position working with small groups of students at edinbrook elementary.

Both these jobs required me to take the step of faith and trust that God is in control and knows all the details. 

I  was lacking peace and control and didn't know what to do about the two jobs before I accepted them because I didn't have much information to make my decision on.

I realized God wanted me to take a step of faith and trust that He already knows all the details because he is in control. He will reveal them to me in due time and I have to be ok with that. 

The unknown is scary because you don't have all the answers but I know God does and that gives me  unexplainable peace.

Psalm 37:23  "The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
    He delights in every detail of their lives."


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