Stuck in this Wonderful Season

It has been a long time since I have blogged.  Decided to write again receiving inspiration from other fellow bloggers, Alexi at and Mandy Hale at 

God has blessed me with this beautiful relationship status: single. For a long time I dreaded it and mostly it happens around holiday i.e. Christmas and Valentines day.  Now that I have turned 24 I see this season as a blessing rather than the curse that the world wants me to think it is.

I  love this season I am in because I am in the season of trust and surprise. I don't where I will be tomorrow but I love that God does. I know that in April I will be a second grade long term substitute teacher.  I know that May 1st I will get to move into a 3 BR apartment with 2 amazing friends. I know that God will bring me to my own classroom again and if he allows it will be in the Fall.
I know that I will have a summer job but I don't know where.

God has been teaching me how to let go of the control that I so badly want to have, Yikes!!! It has become a beautiful journey as I see his hand in the little and BIG things that I have had control over for so long.  Life is so much easier when I realize he leads me day by day. No more worrying!! Hooray for this type A personality who needs to know all the details of the trip/event/ day/plan.  This type A lady is turning a new leaf as I surrender my plans and take hold of his BIG plans he has for my life. They really are more glorious and wonderful I can imagine, Eph 3:20

  1. Little things that I love about this season
  2. 1. Time to myself
  3. 2. Time to travel
  4. 3.  Time to hang with my friends
  5. 4. Breakfast with God
  6. 5.  Spontaneous adventures
  7. 6. Concerts with a sister who loves Rend Collective as much as I do
  8. 7. Shopping with the other sister who spends more money than I do
  9. 8. Mentoring at my church
  10. 9. Organizing my life... really my closet
  11. 10. Increased growth and trust in my heavenly Father


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