20 something

I think its so interesting how after you graduate college you are on your own. I mean when I started college I felt like a baby. My eyes were just starting to open like a new baby bird and I was slowly starting to see the world but I still didn't know my identity. I worried about every little thing especially about what other people thought of me. I  took forever to make a decision because I wanted to make the best decision for other people. My time would  also revolve around other people's schedule. Even my faith was based on other people 's beliefs. The word I would use to describe my college years would be DEPENDENT.

Now that I am 24 years old and working, I feel the shift in being  INDEPENDENT.  I have so many decisions to make but I also have many of my own beliefs and opinions. I started noticing these things this weekend when my roomie (Alexi) asked me to go to a movie late Friday night. We saw the movie Me before you. I realized that I can say yes and be spontaneous. Spontaneity is kinda my summer theme... more on this later. Then I started looking at how I can have people over to play games like we did on Saturday. I choose what church to go to. I can choose to participate in a Zumba class. I can spend my time alone with God outside on the deck whenever I want. I can go long boarding by myself. I can drive to Rive Falls to see my best friend and spend the night. I decide what I want for dinner. I can share my opinion on relationships, marriage and career choices with my friends and roommates. And when I do this I don't need to worry about what they think because they are sharing their opinions too. I can also change my opinions about the above mentioned topics whenever I want.

The main idea of this post was to just celebrate being independent and the freedom I enjoy being in my 20s. But also to remind me that I  never stop being dependent on God because he provides the wisdom for the decisions that I make.


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