Rest now

" Rest now child, you can rest now, put your head upon my chest now my heart beats for you . Rest now never second guess now, my love for you will never change no matter what you do." JJ weeks

If you know me, you know that I have a hard time sitting still. I have to be doing something at all times and this has carried over to my sleeping at the new apartment. My thoughts wander all over the place. Since I am a busy bee, I tend to me a worrier. AT Night It is the WORST.

I would try to pray but would get distracted. I overcomplicated my prayers and made them so wordy I would get distracted. Then one night I felt like the Spirit was saying " rest now and give it up." IT being  everything I was stewing over.

Then flash forward a week, I worked at a merchandise table for two bands that played at my church... Jason Gray and JJ Weeks. 
JJ Weeks talked about this song came out of time when everyone demanded something from him except  God and his children. God gave him this picture of how when we approach God we find rest.

This was when  I felt like the Holy Spirit was reminding me again of how I can find rest in God.
God created sitting still to be a good thing


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