New year new adventure

Yes its a new year, 2017!!!
I am not one to set new year resolutions but I am always up for trying new things whether it be traveling, a new hobby or meeting new people etc.

3 new things I am planning on trying this year are


Now I might try more new things but the above things are current things I am trying.
It might be cliché but there is no risk without reward and when I trust in a big God I know my faith will grow stronger when I try new things. I want to be able to step out on the ocean where my trust will grow stronger.

Let talk about those three things.
1. Going to Japan: I am going to Japan to hang out with my old college roommate on her spring break. I am traveling by myself which is a huge step for me. I will be in a country I have never been in before and trying new things and food.  The last time I flew out of the country was Jamaica 2 years ago. This time I will be on the other side of the world.

2. online dating: After having multiple conversations with my friends and my mom I thought its time to try online dating. My friends have had success on apps such as Bumble and Coffee meets bagel etc. so I took a chance and joined Match.
 I don't' know what to think of it so far because you receive 12 matches a day and then the mbr chooses the check mark or X if interested or not. Even if you click the check mark there is no guaranteed that the other person will like you back. I will be honest the guys that I have been talking to are interesting because its all been small talk and nothing else. As a girl its frustrating because I have always seen how my dad has pursued my mom and that is something I want in a relationship. I know how to ask questions but I feel that the guy should take a chance and ask the girl out.  I know that I have plenty of time to meet someone and that I need to trust God and his timing. At the same time its so difficult because I don't want to keep small talking with a guy if there is no mutual interest.... am I right? Anyone else on my side?

The funny thing about this site/app is the men's profiles. Some guys put it all out there and all I can do is laugh at the info they choose to share with the world. But that's the thing about online dating you come across all sorts of people in the world and it opens to eyes to other people's personality.

All that to say is I will keep you guys updated on my progress since I paid for a 6 month subscription. Hopefully something good comes out of this .

3. Learning how to knit
I decided to pick up this hobby because what else do you do in Minnesota in the winter? Its too cold to be outside so you might as well pick up in an indoor hobby.  I know how to sew and personally prefer to sew by hand so I think knitting will be easy to pick up on and also there is less stiches in knitting . I think my first project will be mittens or a scarf.

Happy Thursday


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