God's got this

YAY!!!So my MN friends are probably as happy as I am about this weather. Its been in the 70 the past 2 days and is supposed to stay that way!! I am very happy about this since I start my job as a pre-k teacher next week.  The kids will love being outside.

The title of this post came from my morning devo Everyday in His Presence by Charles Stanley. I high recommend it .  Earlier this week I was praying that God would reveal to me qualities of His character. Then my devotional was about obeying God and leaving the consequences to Him. Then it went on to talk about how to handle different issues that may arise, such as anxiety, conflict, hurting, forgiveness toward other and vindication and sin in others. Then each issue had a Bible verse to go with it.
Then after this I was reading Psalm 33, my Psalm for the month and my eyes were open to all these qualities that God has such as his power, his ability to save, his sovereignty, his eternity and his faithfulness. God is indescribable so there are more qualities than I am sharing here but these ones are the ones that God revealed to me.

That leads me to the title of my post, I was worrying about little things and trying to plan my life because aren't we all control freaks? Then the Holy Spirit just whispered that phrase to me and I  was like " hello Alyssa!!" God has been taking care of you and will continue to take care of me in due time and I just let go of all my plans which btw is my word for 2017 ( surrender)

So friends that read my blog, I just encourage you to let go and let God take control of whatever issue you are thinking about right now because God's got you!! 


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