Picture perfect weekend

The past two weekends have been an adventure as I was able to travel to Iowa and then to Duluth this past weekend. The above picture is from my time in Iowa with my cousin Augie, April's son. He will be 5 in August. We got to out to lunch on Saturday, play at the park in the afternoon and then hang out at home Saturday night.  Overall it was a fun but also relaxing weekend. I was grateful to God that he provided my grandma and mom to ride with me.

I am really just learning about faith right now in my walk with God. Faith involves believing in the unseen. God is showing me how life is more about the memories than the photos on snapchat, the money I make or the clothes I buy. I am trying to focus on being with my friends and family. Right now its easy to want to post the next best picture to show off your life but then forget that we are still people going through hard and good things. Life will never be perfect this side of heaven so thankful that Eternity is coming and Jesus is waiting. Right now I choose to have faith that the things I can't see are eternal and the things I see are temporary. I choose to have faith that God will be with me in every moment but not be afraid to enjoy the moment I am for he is with me then too.

Here are picture from my Duluth trip


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