
Dreams: we all have them! Sometimes we have the same ones from when we were little, but most of the time they change as we grow up.

I love that God knows what we are going to dream and desire but that he ultimately has the best plans in store for us.

The reason this topic was on my mind was because I was talking to my best friend about how this summer is so different than last summer. Last summer was a hard summer. I had just come out of three long term sub jobs, 2 of which were at the same school. I was hoping and praying they would hire me on after the school year was over. Unfortunately that didn't happen.  So I ended up spending the whole summer applying for jobs on top of being a nanny for two difficult kids.
I think I applied for over thirty job across 8 school districts and 3 charter/private schools. Toward the end of the summer I went to 3 or 4 interviews. On my last interview it was for a second grade position and I even got a call back. I set my hopes on getting that job...

The dreaded call came in the afternoon , they had hired another candidate because I didn't have the right experience. They even said they were so close to hiring me.  The principal was nice and said that she could be my reference for any other position in the district. But  no other position came.
When I got that call, I remember feeling like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. I think I even screamed at God that I was never going back to teaching again. I had felt like God had left me. Looking back I know that was not true and the timing wasn't right for me to have my own classroom. I signed up for subbing to please everyone around me..  But I disliked subbing since the jobs were so inconsistent.  So my dad suggested I try to get a job in health insurance and I did working customer service. I told everyone around me that I probably wouldn't go back teaching.Little did I know that God was up to something different.

Flash forward to this summer: I had just gotten done teaching pre-k and missed having my own classroom and relationship with the students. So God started working in my heart by increasing that desire to be a teacher again. I started applying to teaching jobs. It was still exhausting and applied for over 20 jobs through out the summer. As hard it was doing all the applying  I could feel this summer was going to be different.. I kept having faith that God was going to open up a door to a classroom for me. I have gone on 6 interviews and heard back from 3 of them. Then I find out the outcome for two of them tomorrow. One of them is for my favorite school that I had a placement at 4 years ago and is an art magnet school. Then another one is for a school in elk river that is just be opening this year.  I would love to work at either one of them..

So I believe that God can recreate dreams in our heart & give us new ones too.
Here's to trusting my Father who has the best dreams that will come to pass.


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