What if?

What if? This is the question that God posed to me during my time alone with him on Saturday afternoon.
What if I lose my friends? What if I never get back into teaching again? What if I don't start working for another month?

He was asking me to trust Him if I lose everything tangible and not tangible. The dream to teach again and have my own classroom is bursting out of my heart. God was showing me that I had gotten into the habit of only going to him when I needed something and then running away when I didn't get what I wanted. I had grown into a selfish kid that only needed their Father when I wanted something.

That conviction from the Holy Spirit was a slap in the face and I knew I needed to repent right away. I was and am still struggling with wondering why it's not in His plan to provide a job. I still ask him over and over again " When will I get my own classroom again?" But I am learning that even though I am asking this question I affirm my trust in Him and am trying to believe that He sees the bigger picture.


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