
Sorry readers its been a long time since I have posted, I was just trying to figure out my thoughts on this. 

A couple of weeks ago my family and I went to Bismarck,  North Dakota for a family reunion and 90th birthday party for my grandma. On Saturday we had party for her with most of my dad's side of the family. We went around and shared a  memory we had with grandma. Just listening her children, my aunts and uncles, share about sacrifices she made when she married my grandpa made an impact on me. One of the things that stuck out to me was my uncle saying " If she (my grandma) hadn't made the decision to live in Bismarck while my grandpa was in the army, then my Aunt holly ( his wife) wouldn't have gone to Moorhead State where they met."  
That one choice affected my aunt's life. 

That got me thinking about the choices I have made and the people around me have made and how its affected their lives. 

If my sister Abbey hadn't gone to Colorado for a semester she wouldn't have met her boyfriend.

If Haylee and Tyler hadn't decided to transfer to Bethel they wouldn't have grown in their faith to where they are now,That got me thinking about the choices I have made and the people around me have made and how its affected their lives. 

If my sister Abbey hadn't gone to Colorado for a semester she wouldn't have met her boyfriend.

If Haylee and Tyler hadn't decided to transfer to Bethel they wouldn't have grown in their faith to where they are now.

If I hadn't gotten a job at a preschool for the summer,  I would have not gone back to teaching.
These are some of the choices that has shaped my family into the people they are today.


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