
This post has been forming in my mind for awhile but it has taken some weeks to get the courage to write about it.

My birthday is 4 weeks away and I am reflecting on turning 27. I am realizing that its okay to not be in a relationship. ... Wow I can't believe I said that.

Singleness is a gift not a burden, something that my really good friend Noelle told me over the weekend  when I visited her in South Carolina. She helped me see that I was putting myself in a box because I was feeling like I had nothing to offer the world and the church since I didn't have a significant other. Yet Paul celebrates singleness in Corinthians.  I have so much to offer the world and God can use me in so many different realms that I haven't even explored yet.

So many people say use this time before marriage to do things you want to do. I am making a goal to go somewhere new once a month. So I sit here and encourage you to try new things, take yourself  to dinner, join a class. Don't pause your life like I almost did.

For you don't need a significant other to lead a significant life!!!


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