Girls Night

So last night I spent time with some of the girls from my youth group and we had a girls night. We went over to my youth pastors and wife house. There they cooked a wonderful dinner of spaghetti and garlic bread and salad. Then after we ate we had to take some m&ms. The color of the m&m meant something. Brown meant most embarrassing moment which mine happened last night but more about that later, red meant funniest crush, green meant what you want to be when you grow up and yellow meant pet peeve. So everyone went around the table sharing depending on the colors they have. It was so much fun. Then the college age girls drew names for who was going to be on their team for the photo scavenger hunt. I was Emily 's team with Becka, Missy, and Sarah and Baby Peyton. Everyone got in their teams and drove to Northtown mall. So at the mall we had to go on a photo scavenger hunt ( perform different tasks and take a picture of the task) the tasks were singing Rudolph the red nose reindeer in front of a crowd. Someone had to perform a dramatic scene of falling in a store and then asking an employee for a band-aid( every store we went into didn't have one so we finally tried Victoria secret and they had one.. who knew ), we had to get a boys phone #, get someone's autograph, kiss a light pole.. etc So anyways it was really fun. then we drove back to Stephanie's pages house and looked at the pictures from everyone's hunt. It was really fun I must say. Then everyone else slept over while Becka and I went home.
Now today I'm off Christmas shopping with a friend that came home from college then later going with Becka to the musical at my church. I hope you guys have a great Saturday afternoon.
I will post pictures of the scavenger hunt later on when Ria or Becka uploads them to FB because I forgot to bring my camera :)


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