So 2 days and 8 hours until chirstmas. I love Christmas time. I love the songs ,the smell of the cookies in the oven, and the Christmas letters my family gets from friends. But most of all I love listening to the Christmas story on the morning of Christmas. Once everyone in my family wakes up, my dad reads the story out of the Bible. I hear the story of Jesus's birth every year but I learn something new every year and that's whats so cool about it. this year even before Christmas I learned some stuff. The big thing I learned was you cannot have the manger without the cross and vice versua. think about it: There would be no reason for us to celebrate Easter if Jesus wasn't born because there would no Christmas. And he was born knowing that he would die becasue he loved us so much. And so below I pasted the lyrics of one of my Christmas songs. When love came down by Point of Grace.

So close your eyes and share the dream
Let everyone on earth believe
The Child was born, the stars shone bright
And Love came down at Christmas time
And Love came down at Christmas time


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