Fact Friday
So a really good friend of mine actually started this note on facebook where you type 25 facts of you and then tag other people so you can learn more about them, so I am going to take tha
t same idea but apply it to blog world. I am going to do 15 things not 25. ok here it goes...
1. I love Mcdonald Frappes!! Caribou and Dunn Bros is good but Mcdonald's is better
2. My favorite candy bar is milky way.

3. I am kinda a music freak. I love my ipod.
4. I love working with little kids, which is the reason why I am going into elementary ed with a pre primary focus in the Fall.
5. Playing softball and riding my bike are hobbies of mine.

6. I love reading,and i hope to get a kindle or nook soon.

7. my favorite color is purple.
8. I am going to Crown college in the fall, I am super excited.
9. I have 3 siblings, 2 sisters and a brother. My sister and brother are twins.
10. I love Tobymac and skillet. And it just so happens they are coming to minneapolis in november and i am super pumped for that.
11. I am 18 and I like being an adult but it does have disadvantages to it but doesn't every age :)
12.I am more of a dog person than cat.
13. I love turning up the music in my car and just dancing to it. It may sound silly but I guess its one way I worship God. U should try it sometime.
14. I love sunsets and oceans. We get some good sunsets here in Minnesota and it really cool to think that God created them and we may not have oceans here in minnesota but when I go to Florida and Washington I love going to the ocean.
15. Last but not least I LOVE SHOPPING
have a good weekend.
1. I love Mcdonald Frappes!! Caribou and Dunn Bros is good but Mcdonald's is better
2. My favorite candy bar is milky way.
4. I love working with little kids, which is the reason why I am going into elementary ed with a pre primary focus in the Fall.
5. Playing softball and riding my bike are hobbies of mine.
6. I love reading,and i hope to get a kindle or nook soon.
7. my favorite color is purple.
8. I am going to Crown college in the fall, I am super excited.
9. I have 3 siblings, 2 sisters and a brother. My sister and brother are twins.
12.I am more of a dog person than cat.

14. I love sunsets and oceans. We get some good sunsets here in Minnesota and it really cool to think that God created them and we may not have oceans here in minnesota but when I go to Florida and Washington I love going to the ocean.
15. Last but not least I LOVE SHOPPING
have a good weekend.
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