Recap: Picture style

I've realized that I haven't written in a while and I know its already Wednesday but I'm just going to share my weekend in pictures. Hope that's ok.
Thursday was shopping day. Melodie and I went to Rosedale mall to go shopping and I must say I was super excited because not only did I get to hang with melodie whom I haven't seen in a LONG time but I also found some good deals. ( Btw that dress I didnt get but I liked it alot.)

Saturday- This is Kassie. It was her 18th birthday on Saturday so she went to get her nose pierced. And she invited me to go with. She went to St. Sabrinas in uptown.

Sunday- It was fourth of july. We went out to Delano for the parade and a barbecue. Unfortnatley I didn't get any picture because I forgot my camera but I did get pictures later that night when we did fireworks with my neighbors.
I'm on the left, then its my neighbor Lola and my sister Abbey on the right.

Abbey lighting a firework

I thought this was a cool pic of my sister Haylee.

the girls with their sparklers

Monday- my sisters and my parents and I drove out to Taylor Falls where we went on alpine slides at Wild Mountain.

Hope you guys are having a good Wednesday. I'm off to go play softball and tomorrow or Friday I'll be back to talk about talk about some stuff I've been learning from this book I've been reading.


  1. I LOVE trying on fun dresses like that--and that one is super cute on you, by the way!


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