An Open letter to Millennials

Dear Millennials,
You are going to be okay. You are going to do great things with His power. Its okay to not have your life figured out in your twenty's. You might switch jobs often or more than you thought you would. You might still be figuring out the passions and gifts that God placed in you. You are going to big dreams and want to do great things. You might still live with your parents in your twenty's. You might have to take a job you hate just so you can pay the bills. There will be times you will question what you are doing with your life and  maybe even the degree you got in college.  Should you have majored in something else?  

Leaving college will be hard. You will crave community with other young adults. You will want relationships with both genders. You might have questions about your relationship status. You thought you would be married after college or at least meet "the one" It might be a struggle to find a church with other people your age that are not married and/or have a family.

The great things about being a millennial are so many. First, you get to pick how you spend your time and who you spend it with, Same goes with your finances, you will have pay your bills such as rent, grocery, and loans but you budget your money you could have extra to enjoy happy hour with friends or that specialty coffee at the end of the week. You can explore churches. You can help others with your time. You can join fun exercising activities in your community. If you are like me you can host fun events. You can learn a new hobby.

Overall being a millennial is hard sometimes especially when people are constantly asking you what you plan to do with your life i.e. your career etc.But being a millennial also has its advantages.

Keep on exploring and counting the blessings of being a young adult.


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