desire and disappointment go together

"When I am willing to explore my deepest disappointments I might be surprised to find my deepest desires lingering just beyond. Knowing Christ may only be possible when we come face to face with our deepest desire and are willing to walk through our deepest disappointment." p. 176 of Simply Tuesday

So I am 3/4 of the way done with this book that I thought would be a struggle to read because its about slowing down and taking time to sit on a bench. In my head I am thinking " I will try to read this book but will probably quit halfway through because I don't need to slow down. I mean I am unemployed for gosh sake. All I have been doing with my time is slowing down."

Then I get halfway through the book in the chapter " Success and Envy" It is all about accepting the importance of our right now work. She tells the story of  lifeguards at a nearby indoor pool by her house. They each are assigned an 8 ft space that they keep watch over. They are not worried about other's space but only theirs. In order to be successful in life we must watch over our 8 ft assignment. It won't get done if we are looking at other's assignments. This chapter really hit me and made me want to keep reading.

Flash forward I just finished the chapter on desire and disappointment. Emily Freeman acknowledges that these two words go hand in hand. If you have one you will probably experience the other. She starts with Jesus.
Jesus wanted his Father to be glorified and this was his deepest desire.
But he also ask God to "let the cup pass from Him."
"The sweat of his desire met the blood of his disappointment." p. 175
Desire came first but disappointment wasn't too far behind.

MY APPLICATION- MY deepest desire at the beginning of the year was security. I wanted job security, church security, home security and friend security.
In my mind, I wanted a classroom, an apartment, a church that I could call home, a place to live with roommates and a group of friends I could rely on.

God blessed me with all those things expect for job security. And even the other things are temporary so I can't claim security in anything.
Now by claiming that desire of security I am walking through disappointment.

Maybe if I had security I wouldn't rely on God. This desire of security is a longing that is supposed to lead me back to God. Security or any desire for that matter should never be an idol. That desire was placed there by my Heavenly Father so that I would ultimately find my security and peace in Him.

So I challenge you to pray and think about the desire that you want and see how you can find it in Jesus. Bring it to Him and he will meet it.
"FAITH means trusting God in the midst of misunderstanding and lack of clarity."


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