DRESSember 2016

The second to last day to dressember is upon my friend Kassie and I.
This is so crazy!!!

What is dressember you ask?

A lot of women are passionate about ending human trafficking, but feel powerless to do anything. You may not have a lot of time, money, or influence, but you believe in the dignity of all people.
Dressember creates a path for the busy woman to have a significant impact on ending a dark injustice. By wearing the Dressember uniforma dress every day in December- she uses her voice to advocate for the freedom of all people.

We become advocates for people around the world who are stuck in slavery or human trafficking by raising awareness and finances for groups such as IJM and A21. These groups work daily prosecuting the people who participate in this nasty work and rescue the people that enslaved.

Some facts about slavery:
There are more people than ever before that are stuck in human trafficking.
More than 27 million are slaves
India has the largest amount of people in slavery.

So all this to say I knew I had to take part this and be an advocate for those without a voice.
I have worn a dress every day in December and then I take a picture of it and post on Instagram.
I am on my second to last day. Our goal was $500 between the two of us but we have only raised $30. Its always tempting to get discouraged about the amount but I am learning to give it to God.

During this month I have learned a lot about physical and spiritual freedom which is crazy because I though it was all about advocating for other people. Participating in this cause has shown me how  much freedom I have through God's love and physical freedom I have living in the United States. Something I have taken for granted, other people go without. I guess that's why I am so passionate about spreading the word so other people can be rescued and experience the same joy as well.

feel free to go to dressember.org and make a donation. Team name: Jane and Joyce


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