That's Christmas to Me

"But I think now, in the middle of the hustle and the busyness, the to-do lists and the calendar with its full boxes, that we got it right back then. That we knew so much more than I do now. Because what I remember from those times, more than anything else, is the feeling of being loved. The wonder of realizing Jesus came for me."
The above quote is taken from one of my favorite's authors Holley Gerth and her blog post this week
Did you know 11 days till Christmas!!! Wohoo, can you tell I am excited. I love gift giving and receving gifts. I think its because I love the reactions other people have and love showing emotion when I receive gifts. I think the older I get, the more surprised at the thoughtfulness of people and the gifts they get or make for me. This season I am learning about the greatest gift of all Jesus and the reality of him being born in a manger.
     Lately at church we have been learning about Advent and how its the 4 weeks leading up to the birth of Jesus.The theme of Advent is waiting.  This week the pastor talked about the importance of seeing God's work in other people's life and declaring that in other people. The pastor told about how his Dad said to him " You make my heart glad." He compared it to Mary running to Elizabeth and telling her what Gabriel said. How even Elizabeth could see the work of God in her life and how little John the Baptist lept in Elizabeth's womb.
Two of the things that stuck out to me the most was calling out the work of God in other's life especially people that may be doubting or question, which its ok to do and leads to me my next point Mary was considered blessed for accepting the news of carrying Jesus but also had questions and confusion.
Two things that I have been waiting for in my life are going back to teaching... maybe... and wanting to get married. I dont' know how these two things will play out or when they will happen but God cares more about my trust in Him. Its ok to have questions. As I put these desires on hold for a little bit and focus on Jesus I am being shown daily how not only do I get the gift of himself at Christmas and after but also he wants me to receive and give myself back to him. That includes my flaws and imperfections knowing I would doubt and wander yet he came anyway and took on human flesh so that I could know Him.  This allows me to look beyond the desires I believe God has placed in my heart and look to him who will fulfill them in his time.
What desires are you waiting on God for to fulfill? Who can you encourage that needs to believe Holy Spirit is working in?
 "He came for me anyway. And all He wanted in return was for me to love Him back."
P.S. the title of this post is my favorite Christmas song by Pentatonix go look it up on Youtube


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