
Showing posts from November, 2017

Weekend recap

What a weekend!!! I have never had  such a life giving weekend than this one. We celebrated Thanksgiving at my house, went shopping at Albertville with my brother, his roommate and my sister. Then later Target with my other sister and friend Kassie. Friday I was so sick with my cold, so I stayed in all day. Saturday: I got to have coffee with my former Bible study leader Stephanie at the new daily dose. She gave me such encouraging words of wisdom with all areas of my life. One of the things she said is that we stop living life when we start waiting for something as if our life will start when God provides that one thing. Saturday afternoon: I went to my sister's Haylee's basketball game at Bethel. They played against a really good team and won by two points. We had game night and a family dinner. We played Pictionary. Just lots of laughter and funny drawings. Sunday: I went to Kassie's church and met some awesome people. Then we went to Brunch at the hen house. Bru...

Thankful Thursday!

Man guys, this week has been crazy busy, and definitely full of some high and lows. Thought I would use my next few posts to list things I am thankful for with Thanksgiving coming up next week.... Grocery shopping with my roomie on Saturday !! When I am used to relying on my parents due to lack of funds, it was nice to be able to buy my own food for a change... I love Aldi Happy hour with my friends Leah and Kelly on Tuesday, we always have good talks and lots of laughs My firsties they say the cutest things such as " How does God make buses? Can I eat lunch with you? He called you his mom A SUPER encouraging text from a friend at my small group, the face that I woke up to on Tuesday morning and it came at the perfect time dealing with mean people in my life. Just the fact that I can teach again, my restored passion for it from God parents that pray for you and tell you that they love you everyday principal that asks how my day is every day a half day tomorrow, ...


Every fear is rooted in a insecurity. Hmm this thought crossed my mind during church this morning. I believe it was from the Holy Spirit. He had me name my desire and convinced me to look at the fear behind it. I have this desire to be in a relationship and settle down with my future husband, Bur I have been trying to control my life regarding this issue. That's when through the gentle nudge of the Spirit did I resize that my fear is being the last single one. I was spending so much of my time looking at other people who were in serious relationships, desiring that which then led to a spiral of negative thoughts including the one "What about me God?" I wish I could say that peace came in that moment but it hasn't. I believe God is going to give me victory over this fear. I remember reading this book in college by Mandy Hale called the "The Single Woman" It sounds corny but it was challenging. She says"  you don't NEED a significant other to ...

Where I have been the last few months

Wow guys it has almost been a month since I have blogged. I didn't realize that. Life has been crazy busy. I started my new job as a long term sub and I love it. The students are full of high energy & there are 25 of them. The principal is so supportive. The other teachers are helpful and kind. But not being in  a classroom for a year has definitely been a struggle. I am constantly relying on God to show me how to have high expectations but also earn their respect. Another new thing in my life is that I have serving in my youth group by co-leading an 8th grade  girl's group. I went on a retreat with them to Camp Shamineau last weekend. It was fun and event filled. The weather was freezing and the speaker was harsh. But I enjoyed horse back riding, and rock climbing with my girls. We stayed up till at least 12:30 every night, tiring haha. If you know me I am in bed by 9:30 every night. I wanted to expand and give my thoughts on the speaker because he came across harsh. ...