Where I have been the last few months

Wow guys it has almost been a month since I have blogged. I didn't realize that. Life has been crazy busy.

I started my new job as a long term sub and I love it. The students are full of high energy & there are 25 of them. The principal is so supportive. The other teachers are helpful and kind. But not being in  a classroom for a year has definitely been a struggle. I am constantly relying on God to show me how to have high expectations but also earn their respect.

Another new thing in my life is that I have serving in my youth group by co-leading an 8th grade  girl's group. I went on a retreat with them to Camp Shamineau last weekend. It was fun and event filled. The weather was freezing and the speaker was harsh. But I enjoyed horse back riding, and rock climbing with my girls. We stayed up till at least 12:30 every night, tiring haha. If you know me I am in bed by 9:30 every night. I wanted to expand and give my thoughts on the speaker because he came across harsh. Unfortunately he went on tangents every chapel and spoke for at least an  hour and 30 minutes every night. However his points were relevant: Jesus is everything, we need his forgiveness and without grace we wouldn't have a relationship with God. It was difficult because he got off track and shared the message by yelling at us. It was hard for the students to understand him because of this and the point of his message was lost on them. I ended up talking with my girls about the Bible and they shared their favorite bible verses and why. Then Sunday morning our church skipped chapel and had our own service in living room of the girls cabin. So many hard things came out but encouragement was spread throughout the room.

That's all for now. I will try to be more consistent in blogging now that I have developed a routine. Below is a picture of some of my 8th grade girls and me.


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