Weekend recap

What a weekend!!! I have never had  such a life giving weekend than this one.
We celebrated Thanksgiving at my house, went shopping at Albertville with my brother, his roommate and my sister. Then later Target with my other sister and friend Kassie.

Friday I was so sick with my cold, so I stayed in all day.
Saturday: I got to have coffee with my former Bible study leader Stephanie at the new daily dose. She gave me such encouraging words of wisdom with all areas of my life. One of the things she said is that we stop living life when we start waiting for something as if our life will start when God provides that one thing.

Saturday afternoon: I went to my sister's Haylee's basketball game at Bethel. They played against a really good team and won by two points. We had game night and a family dinner. We played Pictionary. Just lots of laughter and funny drawings.

Sunday: I went to Kassie's church and met some awesome people. Then we went to Brunch at the hen house. Brunch is my favorite meal. We drank coffee, ate gooey cinnamon rolls and had a good conversation. Then we got to lay outside on lawn chairs while I read and she studied. But we also did a lot of goofing off.
I came home and my favorite part of the weekend was going on a walk with my dad. He always has great wisdom and a listening ear as I process through some hard things.

Overall this weekend was just a weekend where God opened my eyes to the blessing he has placed in my life.


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