Every fear is rooted in a insecurity.
Hmm this thought crossed my mind during church this morning. I believe it was from the Holy Spirit. He had me name my desire and convinced me to look at the fear behind it.
I have this desire to be in a relationship and settle down with my future husband, Bur I have been trying to control my life regarding this issue. That's when through the gentle nudge of the Spirit did I resize that my fear is being the last single one. I was spending so much of my time looking at other people who were in serious relationships, desiring that which then led to a spiral of negative thoughts including the one "What about me God?"
I wish I could say that peace came in that moment but it hasn't. I believe God is going to give me victory over this fear.
I remember reading this book in college by Mandy Hale called the "The Single Woman" It sounds corny but it was challenging. She says" you don't NEED a significant other to LEAD a SIGNIFICANT life. "
Hmm this thought crossed my mind during church this morning. I believe it was from the Holy Spirit. He had me name my desire and convinced me to look at the fear behind it.
I have this desire to be in a relationship and settle down with my future husband, Bur I have been trying to control my life regarding this issue. That's when through the gentle nudge of the Spirit did I resize that my fear is being the last single one. I was spending so much of my time looking at other people who were in serious relationships, desiring that which then led to a spiral of negative thoughts including the one "What about me God?"
I wish I could say that peace came in that moment but it hasn't. I believe God is going to give me victory over this fear.
I remember reading this book in college by Mandy Hale called the "The Single Woman" It sounds corny but it was challenging. She says" you don't NEED a significant other to LEAD a SIGNIFICANT life. "
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