Open my eyes

Happy December!!!

I can't believe its only 22 days till Christmas!!!

Wow so many things have been happening in the past week that God has opened my eyes that why I called this post that.

These things include:
Meeting with my principal to discuss future position and him being impressed with my work.

Going on a date with a a great guy but finding out we don't share the same values. Seeing how God spared me from future hurt
Receiving a nasty email from a parent and realizing that God could hold me and my tears

Happy hour with a girl from a small group and getting 2 for 1 drinks, and encouraging each other in this season of singlness

Finishing report cards at Avant in Anoka, love this coffee shop

Birthday celebrations with good friends

Sleeping over at my parents and having good, deep conversations with them about life

Working a half day yesterday and running errands with my mom

Sun shining in this MN weather december

God bringing me back to teaching

Having supportive sisters

Starting dressember with my best friend, Kassie Jane. We are trying to raise $400 to help rescue people from human trafficking. Notice that I said people because sex slavery affects men, women and children. Its so horrifying!! International Justice Mission is an organization committed to going on rescue missions and getting them out of brothels.
If you believe in this cause too, feel free to donate at the link below


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