What December means to me

As most of you know my friend Kassie and I are participating in dressember. We are committing to wearing a dress every day in the month of December to raise awareness and finances for victims stuck in human trafficking.
Well today I found out that another teacher in my school is participating in dressember too. That was a great connection for my Monday.
Sometimes it has been hard to wear dresses but having an accountability partner has helped a lot. Praying for the victims and International Justice Mission  has been encouraging too.
Our goal is to raise $500 and I am at $15 personally. I am so excited to see how God will move in this particular area in my life.
If you feel led to give you can donate here:

So in other news I had an awesome weekend. I got to go out to dinner with my mom on Friday night.
Then Saturday, I went Christmas shopping, had a coffee with a friend from college and then later babysat.
On Sunday I had church and then made my ugly Christmas sweater.

With this being the second week of Advent my pastor focused on using this season to recognize our own sin. Once we recognize our brokenness, shortcomings and failures we are more gentle with others because we are all in the same boat. Wow,  confession time: I am so judgmental yet I don't measure up and God still loves me. How much more compassionate and gentle should I be with everyone else.

Just a Monday thought !!!
Posting this pic to relive our San Fran vacation since we just got snow !!


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