Thankful Thursday!

Man guys, this week has been crazy busy, and definitely full of some high and lows.
Thought I would use my next few posts to list things I am thankful for with Thanksgiving coming up next week....

Grocery shopping with my roomie on Saturday !! When I am used to relying on my parents due to lack of funds, it was nice to be able to buy my own food for a change... I love Aldi

Happy hour with my friends Leah and Kelly on Tuesday, we always have good talks and lots of laughs

My firsties they say the cutest things such as " How does God make buses? Can I eat lunch with you? He called you his mom

A SUPER encouraging text from a friend at my small group, the face that I woke up to on Tuesday morning and it came at the perfect time dealing with mean people in my life.

Just the fact that I can teach again, my restored passion for it from God

parents that pray for you and tell you that they love you everyday

principal that asks how my day is every day

a half day tomorrow, road trip in the afternoon
2 co-ed bible studies with young adults.


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