Vacay Time
7 days!!! 7 Days!!! 7 days till I go to college of course :) So excited. I love new experiences. And I am kinda getting to the point where I am also ready to move out. I mean i love my family to death but i can't wait to live with 3 other girls. It should be fun.
Ok so I found this cool thing on other blogs where every friday they share 5 things they are loving . So I'm going to do it today.
1. I'm loving Dunn Bros Carmel Ice Crema's. They are like a caramel cooler at caribou.
Sorry could find a pic.
2. I'm loving that my family and I are going to duluth this weekend. One last vacation till College.
3. I love the devotional Your own Jesus by Mark Hall and I finished it yesterday. It was really convicting but it was what I needed to hear and helped me see that as I am leaving for college I need my own Jesus, I can't rely on my parent's Jesus I need my own, because he loves me so much and wants a personal relationship with me. If you get a chance, you should read it.
5. I love my mom ( i mean i love my whole family but i am especially loving my mom) So we were 2 Target today and she knew that I LOVE purple so she bought me this cute purple coffee mug to have at college. And she is always telling me to go have fun or if I go out to eat with a friend and I am worried about spending too much money( bc i am a budget freak, but I am learning to give it to God) she will give a couple dollars just to help me out. I love her
It kinda looks like this except the purple is a little lighter.

It says on top " Daughters hope to be a good a mother as their own mother was to them"
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