Wacky Wednesday

Hi Guys!! So I thought I would try a new theme for Wednesday. Wacky Wednesday, where I post a picture of me doing something wacky. And so this picture was done at a mall when our youth group had this girl scavenger hunt. We got done early so we went to buy jawbreakers, i think that was what they were but anyways then after we decided to take a picture of our tongues. Our VERY BLUE tongues. So thats Becka, Missy, and Me.

So today I got to meet my roommate at a Target where we went Dorm shopping and after a slight confusion at which target we were suppossed to meet at, I found her and we had a blast. It also worked out great because I got target gift cards from my grad party to use. We ended up getting pretty much everything and it only took us an hour. Dorm shopping was soooooo much fun that it just makes me more excited for college. Only 16 more days till move in !!! Wohoo

Tomorrow my friend Megan and I are going to hang out one last time before we go off to college. We are going to see this movie in 3D. It should be good.
This is Megan and me getting our rock on at Rock the River last summer.

I'll be back tomorrow to tell you how the movie went. 2 days till the weekend

Good Night!!


  1. You are soooo cute! That scavenger hunt was SO fun :) EXCITED for you to go to college. What kinds of things did you guys get??

  2. I got bedding, baskets for organizers, dishes, silverware and cups and cleaning supplies.
    Thanks Ria :)


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