Weekend Recap

So this past weekend was a hard weekend on my family because of what happened on Friday Night.

Friday Night-I babysat for a family down the street from me. They have two girls 4 and 1. It was so much fun, so I get home around 11:45 p.m. and as soon as i pull in the driveway my mom comes outside to greet me and as I am about to go inside she pulls me aside and tells me Shiloh* has died.
He isn't kennal trained so at night he stays in the kitchen. Anyways my mom went over around 10 to chekc on him and let him one last time before she went to bed. When she gets over there, the cord of the blinds had gotten wrapped around neck and killed him. To spare you the details my dad had to release him and bring him to this emergency vet hospital where they can keep him in a freezer until the family gets back. And then it my parents until saturday afternoon to get ahold of the family. So Friday night we were all up until 2 in the morning because we were all crying except for my dad. But in lighter news...
Saturday night- my church held a graduate dinner for me and the other graduated seniors in the coffee shop with great pasta and salad for dinner.

Sunday-My friend Becka put together a barbecue at French Lake park for everyone to get together one last time before we all headed off for college. and then later that night our youth group is moving to hanging out its service to wednesday nights once school starts up so to celebrate the last sunday night of youth group everyone helped make a 17 ft dessert below.
then after my sister Haylee started an ice cream fight and it was epic so what started as a bad weekend ended good.

*So Shiloh is this dog that my sisters were dog sitting because the family was in Missouri. He was a miniature greyhound and just a little puppy and they live across the street from us.


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