Challenging but grateful

"One of the most challenging characteristic's  of God is his patience." Pastor Peter Kaspner of Open Door

This is something my pastor talked about this morning. He started by explaining how we notice God's timing the most when there is injustice in the world.  We will wonder when is God going to intervene? Then throughout the sermon he talked about the reason for his patience is so that not one of us will perish as said in 2nd Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

As I am sitting here thinking about the sermon I see the way God has been patient in my own life. I would be lying if I said that his patience didn't frustrate at times especially in this season of waiting for a classroom that I can call my own. But then I realize how if God wasn't patient with me I would have a really shallow relationship with him. I would only follow Him when he "gave me what I wanted" and when life was going super great. 

Now that I am working through loving the Giver more than the gift, which is still a work in progress, I see how I needed God to be patient so I could find my way back to Him. His patience has allowed me to fall in love with Him more because I know he is waiting for me with open arms when I do run away, then find my way back to him.

Now I know the reason for his patience, it makes me all the more thankful because I think about the friends in my life that don't know this Hope and Love. Just like with me, he is patiently waiting for them to come to end of themselves and the beginning of a relationship with him.  

Today I choose to see God's patience this way and will continue to pray that my friends find this patient loving God that I am learning to call "Dad"


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