Thursday thoughts

This post  is going to be filled with a bunch of random thoughts that I feel the Spirit has brought to my mind in the past couple of weeks.

God is good all the time and all the time he is good.

Hmm... seems simple but hard to remember, God is good even when I don't get that job, marry someone, get the right house, get accepted into that grad school, go on that trip etc.
Following that train of thought, if I get my dream job, house, life etc then I am only following God based on conditions that I put on Him.
I need to remember that He is worthy to be followed no matter what happens in life.

Our identity is not in our dream job, dream life.
I must find my identity in Christ and him alone > the lesson I am currently learning

God is love and he is all I need from this day forward and all eternity. .> just heard this in a song by Owl City and Britt Nicole called You are not alone. This phrase stuck with me.

Because I like to end with quotes, one of favorite bands Group 1 Crew, singer Manuel posted this on the Facebook page yesterday

"A lot of times we give up too soon when the circumstances around us aren't what we expected. When we don't get what we think we are supposed to have, a small measure of bitterness creeps in and starts to determine how we act. Our morals and convictions drop to a lower standard cause we think there's no reason to be good because it hasn't gotten me anywhere. But I want to encourage you you right in the middle of your waiting for God, to not give up too soon. God's plans and timing will never be what we think. I can look back and see every amazing thing God has done for me happened in the most random, unplanned and yet delightful way. Thank you Jesus for surprising me constantly."


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