little children

Have you ever noticed the behavior in little children?  Like the way they are positive all the time?  The way they are independent at times but then dependent at other times? The way they ask questions without thinking... "why is that person fat?" But really the woman is pregnant.. ;)

I was sitting at Chick- Fil- A the other night and I noticed this one family get out of their car, a father with his children, one son and one daughter. Both of the kids were toddler age. They were getting ready to cross the street and automatically they both grabbed their dad's hand. They knew they were supposed to do that and they also believed that their dad would keep safe when crossing the street.

That one action stuck out to me because I started seeing the similarities between their action and my actions with my Heavenly Father.  Do I automatically rely on God? Do I hold his hand when my I feel unsafe?  Do I pray and talk to him about my fears? Do I look up to him and believe he wants and has the best in mind for me?

My point is that little children depend on their parents for EVERYTHING. I want to be like a little child in my relationship with God, may we never stop acting like a child as we approach our Dad with all things

 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  Matt 19:14


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