Things that make me smile

the joking banter my mom and dad have with each other
middle school girls  that just want everyone to be friends
the" have a good day" texts, I get from my mom every morning
my co workers

Coffee with friends
BSF ( Bible Study Fellowship) small group
My brother and his constant teasing
the deep conversations I have with my sisters
reliving the 90s with my roommates
hearing what little children want to be when they grow up,ex: Bruce Lee
Being sent cute pictures of my cousins Augie and Olive

Little reminders of God's love throughout the day such as seeing the sunrise every morning
honesty from others
specific songs on the radio
seeing others make courageous decisions
talking with and learning from my BSF leader, Erin.
dating advice from others or lack of ....
handing out to candy to kids
talking health care vocab with my dad
the needtobreathe and mat kearney concert with Holland and Kassie
the conversations about growing closer to God together


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