People pleasing

So this past season God has taken me on a journey that I never expected. Keep in mind I am still in the midst of it but man it has been hard.

I think my current struggle is being a people pleaser. I will ask my sisters how my outfit looks, I will text four different people to see if they like what I am buying and I will hold back my opinion for fear of what others think. I discount my feelings and look to other people to dictate how I feel. It is unhealthy. This is a struggle I didn't know how to break.

It wasn't until I was talking with a good friend of mine that we both realized that we struggle with people pleasing. Talk about seeing God's grace in this friend. The more we talked I saw how God had brought some tough decisions in our lives that we needed to make and the outcome would break of us of our people pleasing.

One of the decisions I had to make was choosing not to go on a second date with someone. It was a very difficult decision. Being a girl I kept overthinking it. To be honest instead of praying about it I would ask what my friends would do in this decision. Then I realized that God will give me the wisdom if I ask him. I started praying about it and saw how God had opened my eyes to the right decision. The right decision might not be easy and the most obvious. There were times when I doubted God and his perfect plan for my life. Then my roommate helped me see that I made the selfless decision and put the other person first when I chose to say no.

The more times  I choose to stand up and share how I feel, the more I see how it becomes a less of a struggle to be liked by other people.  The people that I value in my life and value me will accept my opinion.

The only one I should look to be pleasing is God

 The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

1 Samuel 16:7


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